Dr. Arvind Nath Singh
Email: arvind[dot]singh[at]icar[dot][gov][dot][in] Phone: 0547-2970721 Specialisation: Educational Qualification:
Google Scholar Professional information Current area of Research/Specialization: Seed Entomology Ongoing Projects: To optimize and evaluate the effect of green synthesized nano particles against seed storage insect pests. Awards/ Fellowships:
Salient achievements: Important Recognitions
7. Personal Member of International Seed Testing Association, Switzerland during 2018, 2019 and 2020. 8. Member of coordination committee of International Rice Research Institute – South Asia Regional Centre from 2017 to June 2020. 9. Member of Indian delegation to attend ISTA Annual Meeting (2018) at Sapporo, Japan. 10. Deputed by Govt. of India, DAC&FW to participate in ISTA Workshop (2019) at Hyderabad, India. 11. Represented country in International Workshop on Access and Benefit Sharing for Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture at Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome, Italy. 12. Organised International Training Programme on “Seed Production, Processing and Comercialisation” for nine Asian and African countries in capacity of Coarse Director from 12 to 26 February, 2019. 13. Organised International Conference on “Novel applications of Biotechnology in Agricultural Sectors: Towards Achieving Sustainable Development Goal” in capacity of Co-Chairman during March 20- 21, 2018.
Country Visited: 1. Italy 2. Japan 3. Germany 4. Nepal
1. Headed Central Seed Testing Laboratory of India from 2017 to June 2020. 2. Served as Director, National Seed Research & Training Centre, Varanasi, Government of India, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare for one tenure. 3. Chairman of National Audit Team for technical auditing of Notified seed testing laboratories of India for year 2017-18 by DAC &FW, Govt.of India. 4. Member of Technical committee of Central Seed Certification Board, India during 2019-20. 5. Deputed as Expert of recruitment committee of National level Commission. 6. Deputed as Chairman/member of assessment committee by ICAR and BHU. 7. Life member of Indian Society of Seed Technology. 8. Member of monitoring team for Seed Technology Research (STR) and Breeder Seed Production (BSP) for more than 5 years. 9. Act as Resource person in many National and International HRD programmes. 10. Delivered lead lectures/ chaired technical sessions in National and International conferences/ seminars. 11. Deputed as Principal/External Examiner for Graduation/Post Graduation exams /Ph. D Viva in Banaras Hindu University, G.B Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, D.D Gorakhpur University, Dr. R. P Central Agriculture University, Pusa, Bihar, Acharya N.G.R. Agicultural University etc. 12. Edited about 30 souvenir, newsletter, periodical, booklet, manuals, leaflet etc. 13. Conducted about 30 National trainings in the capacity of course Director / Coordinator. 14. Two “National Seed Congress” were organized in capacity of Convener. 15. Conducted 05 National farmers fair in the capacity of Convener Publications: