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Books and Manuals


  • Chandra, M. Rana, N. Biradar, V. Kumar, E. Antony, M. Choudhary, A.K. Singh, A. Ghosh, Manjanagouda S. Sannagoudar, S. Ahmad, M. Kumar, P.K. Rathode, G.S.Ramyashree (2023). Abstract Book on Feeding the Future through Sustainable Eco-friendly Innovations in Rangeland, Forages and Animal Sciences. Krishi Publisher.Pp. 241.

  • Amaresh Chandra, Suheel Ahmad, Nagaratna Biradar, Vinod Kumar, Maneet Rana, Manjanagouda S. Sannagoudar, D.R. Palsaniya (Eds) (2023). Harvesting Sustainability: Insights into the Journey of Grasslands and Pastoralism. Krishi Publisher. Pp. 162.

  • Bhojaraja Naik K., Udaya Bhaskar K., Sripathy K.V., Ramya P., Vanishree G. Anandan A., Arvind Nath Singh, Sanjay Kumar (2023). Improved seed production techniques for millets. Published by ICAR-NISST, Mau. Pp. 36.

  • Sripathy K.V., Udaya Bhaskar K., Bhojaraja Naik K., Kalyani Kumari, Anjitha George, Banoth Vinesh, Arvind Nath Singh and Sanjay Kumar (2023). Technological Progression on Seed in India: Compendium of Seed Technology Research under AICRP on Seed (Crops). Published by ICAR-NISST, Mau. Pp. 1-119.

  • Ramya Parakkunnel, Vanishree G., Shantha Raja C.S., Anjitha George, et al. (2023). Training Manual on Quality Seed Production and Value-Added Products in Fodder Crops for Sustainable Farm Income. Sponsored by NABARD held during 5-7 September, 2023 at ICAR-NISST Regional Station, Bengaluru. Published by ICAR- IISS, Mau, Institute Publication No. IISS/22023/36, Pp. 99.

  • Sripathy K.V., Udaya Bhaskar K., Bhojaraja Naik K., Ramya Parakkunnel, Kuldip Jayaswall, Banoth Vinesh, Sanjay Kumar, Raghavendra Kavali. (2023). Training Manual on Seed Quality Upgradation Through Post Harvest Technologies, held during 27-29 December, 2023 at ICAR-NISST, Mau. Published by ICAR-IISS, Mau, Institute Publication No. NISST/2023/35, Pp. 292.

  • Virupaksh U. Patil, Ashwini A., Poornima R., Vanishree G. (2022). Biochemical estimations: A laboratory Manual. Brillion Publishing, Page No.: 1-127.

  • Arvind Nath Singh, Kalyani Kumari, Vishal Tyagi, Kuldip, Banoth Vinesh, Susmitha C., Vinita Ramtekey, Dhanya V.G., Sanjay Kumar (2022). ‘Beej Uthpadan Par Karshak Parikshan’ in sponsored by ATMA, Samastipur, Bihar government. ICAR- NISST, Mau. 22 th - 26 th March, 2022. 1-145.

  • Kaushik P, Sharma V, Saini I, Yadav V, Jayaswal D, Singh G, et al. (2021). Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on vegetable sector and its allies. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge (IJTK), 19: S-177.

  • Laboratory manual for the PhD course Advances in seed treatment (SST 601; 1+1 Credit). Prepared by Dr. P J Devaraju, Shantharaja C S, et al. for the academic year 2020-21 at UAS, GKVK, Bengaluru

  • Practical manual for the PhD Course DUS TEASTING for plant variety protection (SST 603; 1+1 Credits) prepared by P J Devaraju, K S Nagaraj and Shantharaja C S for the academic year 2020-21 at UAS, GKVK, Bengaluru

  • Udaya Bhaskar K., Vijayakumar H.P., Sripathy K.V., Umesh R. Kamble, Govind Pal, Ramesh K.V., S.P. Jeevan Kumar, Susmita C., Dinesh K. Agarwal (2020) Compiled Training manual on “Requisites of Seed Production, Processing and Quality Assurance” sponsored by World Bank NAHEP-IDP Skill Training Programme, held during 23 rd Jan-12 th Feb, 2020, organized by ICAR-NISST, Mau in collaboration with Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Guntur, A.P.

  • Umesh R. Kamble, Sripathy K.V., Udaya Bhaskar K., Vijayakumar H.P., S.P. Jeevan Kumar, Sustmita C., Soma Gupta, Asha Jyothi, Anima Mahato, Vishal Tyagi, Govind Pal (2020). NAHEP Training Programme Principles of Seed Production, Processing & Quality Assurance’ ICAR-NISST, Mau. Page No. 1-256.

  • Vishal Tyagi, Gopi Kishan, Kalyani Kumari, Govind Pal (2020). Edited training manual on “Gunavakthayukth Bheej Uthpadhak” of Skill Development Training on “Quality Seed Grower” sponsored by Agriculture Skill Council of India (ASCI).