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About Institute

 Indian Council of Agricultural Research rendered due   priority to quality seed production through launch of ‘All   India Coordinated   Research Project on   National   Seed   Project (Crops)’ in 1979. Based on the significant strides   made under AICRP-NSP (Crops),  the Project  Coordination Unit of AICRP-NSP (Crops)   was upgraded   to the status of Project Directorate during X Plan and rechristened as ‘Directorate of Seed Research’ (DSR),   which started operating since 31st   December 2004 from  Kushmaur  village in the district of Maunath Bhanjan, Uttar Pradesh. Based on the significant achievements made in a decade long   journey in  the areas of quality seed production and seed technological research, the council in its Governing Body meeting in 2016 has further upgraded the     Directorate   of Seed Research to ‘Indian   Institute of Seed Science’ (IISS) In 2025 farther upgraded the Indian Institute of Seed Science to National Institute of Seed Science & Technology. ICAR-NISST is a unique institute of ICAR engaged exclusively to coordinate and   conduct   seed science research countrywide. Besides its mandate for undertaking seed production and seed technology research, the institute is deem to   undertake   training and capacity building in   this important sector of   agriculture. Institute  also has a regional station at Bengaluru, which is aimed to supply   planting material   to  the down-south region. The institute is about 120 km towards North-East of the Holy City of Varanasi, UP, India.

     Vision: Ensure seed security to the farmers through technological intervention for sustainable agriculture.

      Mission: Enhancing genetic and physical characteristics of seed for increased productivity, quality and sustainability.


       Mandate/ Objectives:

                    1:  To perform basic, strategic and anticipatory research in seed science and technology.

                    2:  To coordinate the seed production and seed technology research.

                    3:   To impart capacity building in the field of seed production, testing, quality assurance, certification and policy issues.